Reign of the Supermen #243: Checkmate Superman

Source: Checkmate vol.2 #23 (2008)
Type: Cover visualNo, Superman doesn't appear with that logo on his chest in the story, but it's a good example of how to change the Superman costume with a minimum of fuss. Just change the S. No matter what, the "shield" will always look Superman-ish, no matter what's in there (as many Elseworlds have shown). And looking at it from the other side, it's not a bad way to label heroes working with a group like Checkmate (kind of like Spider-Man's alternate FF costume or, I guess, the Flushpoint Justice League high collar - cough cough). Gang colors, man! But would Superman ever agree to wear the Knight piece?
Guess not.


Jeffrywith1e said…
Well, maybe he doesn't, but I do like Checkmate.
rob! said…
I question Superman's anatomy.